Ghost Town Hotel
Part of Season 3 of Design vs. Build: The Series
Under Construction
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Cerro Gordo, CA
When Brent Underwood realized he could buy an entire ghost town at the edge of Death Valley, his only thought was why not? Once a bustling silver mining hub in the late 19th century, Cerro Gordo, California is now a ghost town steeped in history and intrigue with its remnants standing as a haunting reminder of the boom-and-bust cycles of the Gold Rush era - an irresistible pull for a marketer and entrepreneur like Brent. With the push of a Global Pandemic setting in, a ghost town sounded like a good place to go, and thus began a 5-year journey that has now evolved into restoring the once thriving town.
Design & Construction Credits
Developer: Brent Underwood
Production Credits
Video: Pearl MF